Friday, October 21, 2011

wee ~

ytd ask von n brina, plan nxt yr 4th quarter go hk =p
most likely oct - dec, autum breeze ~
at least nt too cold, n nt warm =p
aft my macau/zhuhai trip wif bf nxt yr 1st or 2nd quarter...
gotta start saving for my hk trip in 4th quarter, hehex...
so happy ~
realli so wanting to go tw n hk, realli hope nxt yr can fulfill 1 of dem...
even though nt wif my love ones, a lil disappointed =C
bt nvm, i gt my godsis n peanut =D
mayb dear or von's bf can go... so looking forward ~~

today happy happy =D
hope i can save more, aft my dental ends... in dec, i think...

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