Wednesday, August 12, 2009

time seems like nt enuff for mi everyday ><
dat includes weekends =p
weekdays r for work...
weekends r for family [dis include darling (common sense plz =p)]
gotta save up some money for certain things...
alot alot...

- 2yrs anniv.
- MP3
- Tattoo
- HP
- Personal uses stuffs
- Chalet for countdwn

i think all dis added up to at least 300bucks??

signing off ::: 20.57pm
funny, realli cannot receive each other smses...
e onliz 1 i received was he asked mi whether izzit mia...
i replied, bt he cant received...
n he called mi...
pick up e fone, nt making him worry =D
shall try sms-ing him ltr again, when i gng for lunch...

M1 line is giving big prbx...

signing off ::: 10.31pm
hvn receive his sms...
dunno is cant receive sms or he overslept...
most likely today he is getting bak his O's chinese results...
GL to dar...

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